Botox & Dysport - Los Angeles & Denver

Also known as “muscle relaxers”, Botox and Dysport work to quiet the muscle activity that causes wrinkles. Both treatments can soften harsh expression lines and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

They can be used to treat and prevent lines in the forehead, between the brows, and around the eyes. They’re also used for brow lifts, bunny lines, lip flips, down-turned corners of the mouth, chin dimpling, neckbands, and facial slimming. In addition, Aère Aesthetics uses Botox and Dysport to treat TMJ, excessive sweating of the underarms and hands, and migraines.

This treatment takes less than an hour and there’s no recovery time needed. You can see results as soon as 24 hours after treatment. The results will be visible for about 4 months.

When choosing between Botox or Dysport, your injector will evaluate your desired results and the specific advantages of each treatment. You can trust Aère Aesthetics to provide exactly what you need for natural results and a refreshed appearance.

Botox & Dysport Pricing


From $13-$15/Unit


From $4.50/Unit

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